Risk is the title of the current Royal Watercolour Society exhibition, which runs until 4 November 2023.
Here's what the society, of which I am a member, says about the show:
There’s a lot that can go wrong. Some artists work as if it’s always going right, and the painter just hasn’t realised it yet. Others walk on a tightrope of decisions, holding their breath and hoping not to wobble.
For their annual Autumn exhibition, artists of the Royal Watercolour Society (RWS) will explore the theme of 'Risk' with a fantastic selection of new paintings.
I didn't put in to the show this year as I will be away in India for the end of it. But I do agree that the best watercolours always involve some element of risk. Here's what I said about risk in a RWS film made in 2009 by Steve Gammond. I spent a happy few days with Steve making the film in Cornwall and discussing painting with RWS artists Paul Newland, David Paskett, Richard Sorrell, Janet Treloar and Jenny Wheatley.